See, everyone else on staff has a specific topic about which they blog. (By the way, any word, in this case "blog," that can serve as a noun in a verb is OK in the Jeffers sylebook.)
You got your Harbisons of the world who blog about faith and junk. The Chris Pittmans of the world that
educate us with their video game expertise. The McRaeseses who harp on about Porcupine Tree and maybe the three other bands they may listen to in a music blog.
Me? The managing editor— the second-in-command whose idea it was to start the whole Chanty blogging thing in the first place—I got nothing.
No topic. Just random thoughts that happen to cross my mind (and may be able to fill a few paragraphs) every Thursday.
But I'm OK with that.
For you see, I am multi-dimensional.
I am, to put this modestly, well-versed and well-rounded enough to speak on whatever important topics are on my mind
I am a renaissance blogger. Too world-weary to limit myself to one topic and neglect my loyal readers (all zero of them) my diverse musings of all the important topics in today's world.
From melting gummy bears to complaining about the crappy local film coverage, I gotcha covered.
Brandon put it best today on the white board in the office.
At our weekly budget meeting, where we assign stories for the upcoming issue, I volunteered to write an opinion piece for our editorial page.
The topic for the piece?
As Brandon put it, "God knows what."

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